Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heroes of Newerth will live or die ???

For those dota players now playing in the Heroes of Newerth beta, we ask ourselves, will HoN be played on such a competitive level that dota was and still is played on?

Dota unlike HoN started out as a custom map for Warcraft III:Reign of Chaos back in 2003 based off a Starcraft map “Aeon of Strife”. This early adaptation of the map was hugely popular among the Warcraft 3 community.
Over the years the map evolved with the help of map makers Guinsoo and Icefrog to name but a few, where it is now played by hundreds of thousands of players on both a competitive and leisurely level.

Day by day more and more Dota players are hearing about Heroes of Newerth, but the majority of those who play in World renowned clans continue to play Dota. Will this community of professional Dota players convert ?

From what I myself have witnessed while playing the game is that people are getting the hang of playing it and it can be a huge success when the game launches.

Only time can tell.

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